Friday, June 4, 2010

My Elephant Experience

The weekend started out with a long trip, but it was worth it.

Toward the end of the trip, we got to go to an elephant reserve. First, our guide showed us the stable where the elephants stay and how they fed them. Next, he taught us about an elephant’s body. (It was kind of like a field trip!) He told us that a lot of the elephant’s weight is on the front of the body, so the front feet are round and big, while the back feet are oval and smaller, because they carry less weight.

Then we met the elephants; Casper and Kitso. Casper is 24, and Kitso is 11. We got to pet them, and they even gave us kisses! Now I may live in Africa, but it’s not every day that I get elephant kisses! We also took them for a walk, trunk in hand. We got pictures.

That is an experience I won’t forget.

Kayla Rodgers

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My new poem


Looking for grace
Trying to find that piece
Missing inside you want so much

Not just wanting
I see a light in them
They then told me what it was: hope
Now found

-Kayla Rodgers

“Hope’s name is Jesus.” –Ben Rodgers

Saturday, January 16, 2010

New Year!

Happy New Year! I'm still on holidays and I am having a blast! We gave Siwe a surprise birthday party and Joelle, Ruth and Siwe spent the night! That was fun.Good start for 2010!